Sunday, May 14, 2006


I'm not sure where I ran across this. There is a belief that a good intention can be undermined or fail if it's carried out in the wrong way or begun on a flawed foundation. The war in Iraq and the "War" on terrorism are perfect examples. Perhaps removing Saddam Hussein and spreading democracy was a noble endeavor. Pretecting our citizens from terrorist attacks is necessary. But these houses were built on sand and the sand is being blown away by a gale.  

Intelligence was ignored or manufactured. The beaurocrats planning the operation tried to do it on the cheap. Anyone who disagreed was accused of disloyalty. Treaties that were ratified by congress and signed by earlier presidents were ignored. Basic rights that thousands of our fellow citizens fought for on the battlefield or the courts have been ignored. Three of the four largest phone companies have handed over phone records without a fight. (note: our local company, Qwest, apparently refused. The CEO basically said the request wasn't legal in his opinion. And guess what, he's still CEO and nobody took him to court to get those records.) The president has said that he doesn't have to obey the law. What part of his oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution doesn't he understand? Or was he asleep during the swearing in ceremony. Too many of our brothers and sisters are saying that "I don't care what rights I give up, as long as I'm safe."

Just how safe do think you're going to be?


Anonymous said...

I love it that the Electronic Freedom Foundation has a class-action lawsuit against AT&T and a $50 billion (with a B) lawsuit was just filed against Verizon for this nonsense.

But didn't you hear Pres. Bush doesn't have to obey the law.  When he signs a law he files a signing statement that details why he can overlook any portion of the law that he doesn't agree with...

Anonymous said...

We all know what paves the road to hell...  Lisa  :-]

Anonymous said...

It is so distressing.  What is even more distressing is that so many citizens do not know these things in this era where there is so much information available.